Successful business communication in Saudi Arabia
Communication is an integral part of leadership and management in business, other types of organizations and even in social interactions….
Communication is an integral part of leadership and management in business, other types of organizations and even in social interactions….
Some organizations focus on diversity to say they value fair opportunity and equality. They hire people from diverse backgrounds and…
Coaching Leaders requires that a coach has a multi-focal lens. There are two concerns in the world of business that coaches have to…
تحدثنا في الحلقة السابقة حول “الرؤية في القيادة”. وشرحنا أهمية أن يكون القائد صاحب رؤية نبيلة نابعة من رغبته في…
Assessing the environment in its simplest form is achieved by placing a value on an organization and where it stands,…
When we speak about people as leaders, some may perceive us as soft. The modern corporate world is not friendly…
قبل أن يتصدر القائد للقيادة لابد أن تتوفر فيه جدارة مهمة جدا تطلبها معظم المنظمات العالمية في تقييم جدارات القيادة…
لكل قائد عادات تفكير يستقيها من خبراته وتجاربه في الحياة. ويعيش الكثير من القادة أحلام قيادتهم مبنية على تطلعات عشرات…